domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017

Quantities of Graceli.
QG. Quantum Graceli.
M = r + i + + T / h = iiiG.
Matter = radiation + interactions of ions + transmutations / quantum index = instability, unpredictability = indeterminality, Graceli.
The quantum system is not divided into particle waves but rather into materials [types, states and potentialities], fields, radioactivity, isotopes and entropies [types and potentialities], and Graceli's quantum thermodynamic and thermal capabilities.

Division of Graceli's quantum theory.

Third quantization - thermal quantum theory.
It is based on the thermal quantum theory of Graceli taking into account the thermocity, and the quantum phenomena in relation to the material and energy states, types of materials and energies, and potentialities. Where the entropy can be stabilized and return to increasing instabilities index. As also has different variational effects in relation to the dilation, refraction and entropies in relation to types, potentials and physical states of the materials.

Fourth quantization - quantum theory of radioactivity.
It is based on phenomena that vary and have different effects in relation to types, potentials, intensities, spreads, jumps, reaches and time in relation to fissions and fusions, and energy to be processed and already processed within a decay system.

Fifth quantization - quantum theory of isotopes.
It is based on the senses of the isotopes, isotopes, isotons, isoelectrics, and isocampos, and isoradioactive, where an isotope may be agglutinating particles or disintegrating as from deuterium to tritium and vice versa.
And that has variations and effects in relation to the types, potentialities, and physical states of Graceli.

Sixth quantization - quantum theory of physical states [types and potentialities].
It is based on the fact that according to the types and potentialities at the moment of phase changes the quantum flutations tend to have forceful variations according to each particularity involving each type of molecule and chemical element, as well as positive energies and ions and interactions, as well as in the transmutations of Graceli , Entanglements, and others.

Seventh quantization - quantum theory of dimensional categories.
Is based on the dimensional categories of Graceli that are more than 20 different types, involving the types and potentialities, and physical states of Graceli, where each type of molecule and chemical element contains different phenomena and variational effects.

Eighth quantization.
Involving all types of quantization forming a generalized system. Like thermocouples.
The joint application of Quantum Mechanics and Graceli quantization theories.
Involving the physics of transmutational particles of Graceli and their effects, and the physics of materials, states, types and potentialities, which includes the six quantization of Graceli.

Where for each one has different quantum phenomena for entanglements, parities, symmetries, exclusion, ion interactions, charge reorganization, entropy and refraction stabilities, jumps, radiations, and other phenomena.

Division of quantum theory.
Divisions already built.
Division of particle physics and in the physics of condensed matter. That extends in physics of radioactive matter and physical states and dimensional categories, and types of materials that are divided into potentialities, states and types. That is, it is not a division of particle waves, but of types, states, intensities and potentialities.

Quantum theory of fields is a theory which, in the earliest denomination, is called the second quantization, that is, it performs the quantization of fields, whereas Quantum Mechanics only performs the quantization of matter. Quantum field theory considers both matter (hadrons and leptons) and force conductors (messenger bosons) as excitations of a fundamental non-zero minimum energy field (vacuum).

In a closed cavity it will never be in thermal equilibrium with the confined electromagnetic field, the field will never be equivalent to an enumerably infinite set of non-harmonic oscillators and its energy is not equal to the sum of the energies of these oscillators. Each frequency does not correspond to oscillators taken two by two.
For, for each type of material with different potentialities and different radioactive states, there will be phenomena, waves, frequencies, different effects. That is, if it has a relativity and indeterminality in relation to materiality and energies.

Relativity here is related to Graceli's relativity of materials and energies, types, potentialities and states, and dimensional categories. And not Einsteinian relativity.
Vacuum-related canonical quantization is not grounded when any material is found at all times in radiations and transmutations, producing radiations and variations of momentum and temperatures within any environment called closed.

Transtomy and quantum-tomia Graceli.
The thermooradioquantic transtomic model of Graceli.
Efeitology 660 to 680.

Where particles are constantly structured by changing the configurations of the interactions and diameters with their respective energies. And that the transtomic atom is founded as a transcendent particle, where it changes and transmutes according to the types and potentials of energies such as radioactivity, thermodynamic potentials, and which in turn produces the states of matter and energy and their transmutation potentials, that is , The states have variable potential according to the types and potentials of energies, and these in turn determines the transcendent dimensional structures of the transtomic particles.

That is, the atom becomes a divisible in relation to time, as well as in relation to the potentials and types of energies.

And where this is formed, a mechanics proper to the transcendence of matter, the atom, as well as physical states.

That is, if it has, a mechanics of transformational potentials for particle types and states, where each type has its own transcendent indeterministic dimensional relativistic mechanics.

Efeitology 660 to 680.
Imagine the mercury when it dilates, or even the water when changing state, or the iron when leaving the solid state to the liquid state with great temperatures, that is, each type contains in itself its potentiality and capacity of transformation in a Maximum limit, where all phenomena will vary according to this transformation, that is, if there is a system of effects and transcendent indeterministic relativistic mechanics.

Where there are also effects and variations for all quantum, thermal, radioactivity phenomena as found in fission or fusion, isotopes, as well as fields and interactions between ions.

Quantum-tomia Graceli. Trans-quantum atom Graceli.

The quantum-tomy is based on the infinitesimal transformations involving transcendent quantum phenomena, such as interactions, Graceli transmutations, photon and electron jumps, electromagnetic scattering, entanglements, phase changes, quantum oscillatory fluctuations, parities, exclusion, variations and effects in relation to intensities And reaches of the energies and their transformations.

And that the quantum-tomia Graceli has direct action on the variations and effects of mass and energy, and modifying symmetries and parities, as well as types and potentials of entanglements, and refractions.

With this the mass of the electron and proton becomes relativistic and indeterministic, as well as the potentials of variations of expansions and entropies of materials, particles, waves, energies, momentum, mass oscillations and other phenomena.

That is, a system of efectology and mechanics involving the transtomy and the quantum-tomy.

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